Current Group Exhibitions

Added on by Kira O'Reilly.

Trust Me I'm An Artist, 13th May - 23rd June, Zone 2 Source, het Glazen Huis, Amsterdam.

The group exhibition of Trust Me, I'm An Artist opened on 13th May in Zone 2 Source, het Glazen Huis in Amstel Park, Amsterdam. It features works and documentation by many of the artists involved in the project, exploring of the ethicals of art and science. Photographic works and performance artifacts by Jennifer Willet and I from the previous evenings performance lecture, Be-wildering and ethics committee review at the Waag Society are one of the displays.

Splice Re-Examining Nature, 20th May - 12th November, Oulu Art Museum.

Splice Re-Examining Nature is curated by Nina Czegledy and the Bioart Society in partnership with Oulu Art Museum and presents artistic perspectives on our changing environment and relationship to Nature. The exhibition presents crossover works from contemporary perspectives, revealing current interpretations of the world we live in. Remains from the performance Be-wilderment (Nature Drag), presented as part of the opening event are in the exhibition.