Untitled (air), 2021
single channel, 36’30’’
Untitled (air)was commissioned for Martin O'Brien's The Last Breath Society (Coughing Coffin), ICA, 2021
Untitled (air) refers to air as in a sung tune or melody – aria (breath). The sound is an autopsy being read on an inbreath and, when the lungs are entirely full, continuing to read so that the sounds are those of the movement of the mouth. Then, releasing the breath when it can no longer be held. Here in Finland, as in Ireland, one often hears the end of a rushed sentence being completed on an inbreath, it is done in relation to proximity, adding a conspiratorial or confiding tone.
The autopsy is that of my great friend the artist Doran George who died in 2018. Around the time we met in 1999 Doran George made the performance work My Body Is My Document. Within this performance work they trialed and troubled the construction of frame works of representation; positioning their extant, embodied, transgendered fluxing self as ultimately exceeding and defying documenting constraints.
My improvisations were based on generously provided scores by Catherine Long, Florence Peake, Julie Tolentino and a whale vertebra that was a gift from Doran.
The threat of imminent Covid 19 related lockdown in Helsinki dictated the parameters of the work and the speed in which it was made, artist Noora Geagea not only provided videographer skills but also invaluable outside eye support and advice. This work is part of performance of passings an extended project.
Videography: Noora Geagea
Video Editing: Suhail Merchant
Lightening footage by Florence Peake
Thank you to
Martin O'Brien
Catherine Long, Florence Peake, Julie Tolentino
Taike, for gernerous artist grant support
KOM-teatteri, Helsinki for allowing us to video in their space.