The only remarkable feature of this mornings shopping deliver was the ecotoplasm emitting proto-phone.Other than that the usual.
Apart from chocolate. I neglected to order chocolate.
Beer, broccoli and . . .
It has to be said though, the rain was magnificent and the puddles had surpassed themselves marveling into miniature ponds for the crossing, wading and paddling. The bicycle gave up it's chain and refused its return onto its muddy bite and so I proceeded on foot up the long stony road of misery to wait on the arriving Stella with her cargo. I was briefly the holder of the islands post, more issuing of magical charms, the glamour of the responsibility was not lost on me.
Now the afternoon sprawls out into the dusk with the approach of farewells to be bid this Sunday, a spot of bike cleaning and maintenance.
As the fella said:
“Always ask any questions that are to be asked and never answer any. Turn everything you hear to your own advantage. Always carry a repair outfit. Take left turns as much as possible. Never apply your front brake first.
‘If you follow them’, said the Sergeant, ‘you will save your soul and never get a fall on a slippery road.”
Flann O'Brien, The Third Policeman
Örö proto-phone ectoplasm